
Important Questions, Chapter 3, 2nd Year Chemistry, FSc

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Short Question

Q.1 Boron differs from its family members. Discuss.

Q.2 Aqueous solution of Borax is alkaline in nature. Justify the statement. (2)

Q.3 What are Silicons? Give two uses. (3)

Q.4 How litharge changes its colour?

Q.5 What is a chemical garden? (2)

Q.6 Give uses of sodium silicate.

Q.7 Write down names and formulas of two acids of boron?

Q.8 Give four uses of Borax. (2)

Q.9 What are silicones? Write the formula of Methyl Silicone.

Q.10 What are semiconductors?

Q.11 Why CO2 is a  gas at room temperature while SiO2 is solid? (5)

Q.12 How does borax serve as a water softening agent?

Q.13 Write the behaviour of all with concentrated HNO3.

Q.14 Give equations to represent the following reactions:
   (a) Borax is heated with CaO(Cobalt Oxide).
   (b) Al2O3 is heated with NaOH.

Q.15 Write a short note on white LEAD and LEAD Chromate.

Q.16 What happens when AL2O3 is heated with NaOH solution.

Q.17 What are Silicates? Give one example. (2)

Q.18 What happens when borax is treated with HCL and H2SO4 separately?

Q.19 Give uses of boric acid?

Q.20 Aluminium is amphoteric in nature. Prove.

Q.21 Why are liquid silicones preferred over ordinary organic lubricants?

Q.22 Give reaction of aluminium with dilute and concentrated H2SO4.

Q.23 Write down the structure of CO and CO2.

Q.24 Give first two stages about the effects of heat on H3BO3.

Q.25 What is the chemistry of borax bead test?

Long Question

Q.1 Describe four points of peculiar behaviours of Boron.

Q.2 Give uses of Aluminium.

Q.3 What are silicones? Write uses of silicones.

Q.4 Write down properties of Borax.

Q.5 Write down properties of Boric acid.

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