Computer Programming Language Points : what do you mean by computer programming language, machine language (low level language), assembly language, high level language Programming language: A programming language is a type of software. A program is a set of step by step instruction that direct the computer to do the tasks you want it to do and produce the result you want. A set or rules that provide a way of telling a computer when operations to perform is called a programming language. Machine Language (Low Level Language): Every creation of this universe has its own language. Likewise, computer, has a language that is called Machine language (machine level language) for instructing computer to perform specific task. It is also called binary language because it is the language of Os and 1s (zero and ones), means every instruction in Machine language consists of a series of Os and 1s (binary code) that a computer can understand and execute directly.
Each machine language statement corresponds to one machine action. An operation that requires one machine language instruction in one computer may require several instructions in another computer. Each computer has its own unique machine language. Assembly Language: In assembly language, the statements are written in symbolic codes (termed as mnemonics) that are easier for human to read and write as compared to machine language. Each assembly language statement corresponds to one machine language statement. High Level Language: High level languages are closer to human langui.ges than. low-level language and include statement like GOTO and PRINT which are regular words. Unlike the assembly language, the program of high level languages do not have to be written for a particular computer, but at can be execute on any machine that has a compiler for that machine.