
Inter Date Sheet Annual 2016 with Study Plan for FSc Students

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Board of intermediate and secondary education Multan board has announced Intermediate HSSC Date Sheet for session 2016 for Science Arts and Commerce group students. Inter Part 2 Date sheet download free. The annual Examination of Intermediate will be start from dated 7-April-2016 you can search your date sheet for Annual Exams by your Subject Wise from below. Bise Multan Board Papers held in April / May / June 2016 for morning and evening session.

Study Plan

As all knows that if a students works according to a time table then he can easily achieve his dreams.
Its a big challenge for FSc students to manage their time for every book that they can read all the book or the most important topics in the book. 
As science subjects also have paraticles with them so they need some more time for preparation. This study plan is created after reading the date sheet.

So we have tried to make a comfortable study plan for the preparation of Inter Annual Exams.

  1. Urdu  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-18
  2. Pak Studies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19-24
  3. Physics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25-27
  4. Biology/Math --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28-29
  5. English ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01-03
  6. Chemistry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04-09
If you think that you have some better plan for studies or have a plan for Arts and Commerce group than you can write it in the comment and give us a chance to say "thanks a lot".

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