
CSS Everyday Science Past Paper 1985

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Q.1 Fill in the blanks:

(i) When the resultant of all the forces acting on a body is zero the body is said to be in a state of _________________ .

(ii) Gamma Rays are similar to _________________.

(iii) The phenomenon of separation of ordinary light into its constituent colours is known as _________________.

(iv) If a body weights 600 kg on the surface of the earth then the weight of the same body on the surface of moon will be _________________.

(v) When a bullet penetrates into a target, kinetic energy of a bullet is converted into _________________.

Q. 2 Draw well labeled diagram to Human Eye. Explain the image formation.

Q. 3 What are longitude and latitude? Why are they drawn?

Q. 4 Explain the term Element and Compound as used in Chemistry.

Q. 5 Explain the following statements.

(i) The work out put of a machine is always equal to the work input.
(ii) Gravity of all the objects is the same, regardless of their mass at a given point on the earth’s surface.

Q. 6 What are the symptoms and mode of transmission of the following diseases?

Q. 7 What do you know about soaps and detergents. How do they differ from each other? What advantages detergents over soap?

Q. 8 What is mechanism by which balance of Nitrogen is maintained in the atmosphere?

Q. 9 Give the name of five major mountain ranges of Pakistan.

Q. 10 What is lightening? How it is caused? Why it is considered to be dangerous?

Q. 11 Indicate connections between items in List A and list B by making matching pairs.

  • Tuberculosis
  • Haemoglobin
  • Malaria
  • Stomach wall
  • Liver
  • Anopheles
  • Iron
  • Clycogen
  • B. C. G
  • Pepsin

Q. 12 Rain water is soft and river water is hard. Why? How can hardness of water be removed?

Q. 13 Describe the construction and use of a transformer.

Q. 14 
         (a) Discuss the industrial preparation of artificial ghree.
         (b) Name the cement factories in Pakistan and enumerate its preparation.

Q. 15 Name the discoveries of the following scientists
  • Watson and Clark
  • Louis Pasteur
  • Alexander
  • Mendel
  • Edward Jenner
Q. 16 What do you know about the following.
  • Alloy
  • Amalgam
  • Agua Regia
  • Heavy Water
  • Dry Ice
  • Methylated Spirit (CH3OH)
  • Chloroform (CHCl3)

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